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4 years ago · · Typical

Two more years of the Digital Culture Network!

We’re excited to announce that the Digital Culture Network has been extended until 2024.

For the next two and a half years, we’ll be around to support you with expertise in Digital Strategy, Email Marketing, Social Media, Data Analytics, Ticketing and CRM, Search Engine Optimisation and Content Creation.

Our team of 9 Tech Champions can offer free one-to-one advice and guidance for all not-for-profit arts and cultural organisations and individual artists who are eligible for Arts Council funding. They can also help with webinars and workshops and direct you to extensive resources that can support your digital offer.

Thank you for being part of our first two years and here’s to many more. Take a look at some of our highlights below.

The DCN story so far

It’s been a difficult couple of years for the arts and culture sector as they’ve adapted to new ways of working during the pandemic. We’ve done our best to help individuals and organisations reach their audiences through digital channels and stay connected at a time when we all needed connection more than ever. We’ve had to adapt too, to find new ways of supporting you when we can’t meet in person.

How did we adapt?

Switching our events schedule to a full programme of webinars has helped us reach out to those we could no longer see in person. It’s helped us reach more people than ever before and we have now delivered webinar training to over 4,206 individuals!

In September 2020, we launched our website whose Knowledge Hub is packed full of resources, details of our upcoming events, recordings of past webinars, and an easy way to ‘Ask a Tech Champion’ for support.

Our Tech Champions have been busy too. With venues closed, they’ve taken an incredible number of support calls. Always striving to work with as many organisations and artists as possible and offer their expertise and guidance until queries are resolved and sticking around for as long as they’re needed.

Happy 2nd Birthday and highlights

To celebrate our 2nd year, we wanted to look back at some highlights from the work our wonderful Tech Champions have done with over 1,000 organisations and individuals. With over 2,000 support cases, picking just a few wasn’t easy. Here’s a snippet of the lovely feedback we’ve received from some of the people we’ve had the pleasure of working with.

“I cannot be more delighted: your help here has been fantastic. And as for the notes – wow! I was going to type them up myself this morning.
It was lovely to meet you, and I expect we will be in touch. You have given me a whole load of confidence.”

“The support we received was professional and invaluable. It has enabled us to move forward and has helped relieve a bottle neck because we were unsure what to do. I am extremely grateful for the help we received.”

“Hello ACE and the Digital Culture Network I am getting in touch to say what a great service you are providing, thank you!

Over a period of three months members of our Team have met with five Tech Champions, attended several webinars and read loads of articles which the Champions directed us to. In all cases our Team has found the Champions and their content outstanding – we really are so grateful for this fantastic service.”

You can find out more in our infographic and second birthday video.

What’s next?

The Digital Culture Network is here to support you and your organisation. Our Tech Champions can provide free 1-2-1 support to all arts and cultural organisations who are in receipt of, or eligible for, Arts Council funding. If you need help or would like to chat with us about anything we’ve covered above, please get in touch. Sign up to our newsletter below and follow us on Twitter @ace_dcn for the latest updates.

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