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25/03/25   ·   Online

How to create a simple website on a shoestring!

A woman is smiling in the backgound after blowing lots of bubbles above a group of excited children reaching up for them in the foreground.

Arts by the sea festival 2023 – © James Bridle

In this one-hour webinar, presented by Andy Leitch, our website Tech Champion, you will learn the basics of setting up a simple, DIY website that won’t cost the earth. 

The webinar includes a practical, entry-level demonstration on using a popular website builder. 

You will learn: 

  • What to do when planning a simple website 
  • Which website builders to consider 
  • How to build a simple site that won’t cost the earth 

When is it happening and where?

This webinar takes place on Tuesday 25 March at 10 am and will be hosted on Zoom.

What level is it?


This webinar is ideal for small organisations or individual artists who need a simple website but who have limited (or no) skills in web development or design.


Live captions and BSL interpretation will be provided for this webinar. You will receive a copy of the presentation slides in advance. You can join and leave the online space as required, and choose if and how to participate in each element of the webinar.

If you’re unable to access the information on this page or register for the event using Eventbrite, please get in touch.

If there is another way we can make it easier for you to access this webinar, please let us know upon booking or get in touch at [email protected] We ask you to give a minimum of 10 days’ notice where possible.

What type of webinar is it?

Instructional format with presentation slides. You will be able to ask questions using the Q+A function and engage with the presenters using the chat. This session will be hosted as a Zoom Webinar.

Can I book a place?

This webinar is presented as part of a funded programme for creative and cultural organisations. Free places are available for anyone who works with or for a publicly funded arts and cultural organisation and for those currently in receipt of or usually eligible for Arts Council funding.

Can I ask questions?

Yes, and we actively encourage it to shape the content. You can ask in advance on Twitter using the hashtag #DigitalCultureNetwork or message @ace_dcn.

You can also ask questions on the day using the Zoom live-stream chat facility.

Can I receive 1-2-1 support?

The Digital Culture Network is part of a funded programme for creative and cultural organisations. We have a team of nine Tech Champions across the country, who can provide free 1-2-1 support in a range of areas including digital strategy development, websites, social media, data analytics, digital content creation, SEO and paid marketing, CRM, box office and ticketing systems and email marketing. This support is available for those currently funded by or usually eligible for Arts Council England funding. You can fill in our online contact form to be put in touch with one of our Tech Champions, online contact form.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about your eligibility.

Date not convenient or you didn’t get a ticket?

Don’t worry! We regularly add new webinars to our event schedule. Visit the Digital Culture Network website to sign up to our newsletter and be the first to hear when we announce new events and head to our Knowledge Hub to watch recordings of previous webinars.


Please email us at [email protected] or for more information about the Digital Culture Network. To request free 1-2-1 support from a Tech Champion visit or find us on Twitter @ace_dcn.


When you register for an event, please refer to Arts Council England’s privacy notice to see how we use your personal data. Please note that in line with this policy, we may share your basic data (name, job title and organisation) with other participants and event partners. We will only share your contact details with partners should you opt-in to do so during the registration process.