Introducing a brand-new Digital Culture Award category where all nominees are chosen by the Tech Champions!
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My time at the Digital Culture Network (DCN) has been fantastic. It is great to be working alongside the Tech Champions, past and present. We all come from very different backgrounds, but collaboration is baked into the culture of this team making our collective skill set unrivalled. 2022 was a bumper year for the DCN, with the team supporting over 500 individuals and organisations across the sector. No two conversations are the same, so it has been a hugely varied and interesting journey that has at times stretched my skills but is ultimately an extremely rewarding job.
The acceleration of available digital technology and media has meant that the number of potential interactions humans can have with brands, products, services, and experiences, continues to increase. I believe this has put more emphasis on the quality of communication. This often comes back to having a strong vision in place and a strategy that allows you to focus and prioritise, so you can deliver a powerful message across all the important touch points.
I am currently working on a new content piece that aims to plot the key milestones along an organisation’s journey, from digital adoption to digital maturity. It is quite a chunky piece; however, I think it will be a valuable resource to help organisations realise their current position, highlight the opportunity, and prepare them for what areas to focus on next. This resource will nicely feed into the one-2-one support I provide daily and will be especially useful in the initial diagnostic stages of a conversion.
Whenever I work with individuals or organisations, my aim is to help them to help themselves. My role is to hold the space, act as a sounding board, and help to steer the conversation in a way that will start to untangle the problem. A successful encounter is if I can help you move closer to achieving your goals and ambitions.
Introducing a brand-new Digital Culture Award category where all nominees are chosen by the Tech Champions!
See the results of the first round of the 2025 Digital Culture Awards
We have been dropping hints all summer and can finally announce that 2025 Digital Culture Awards are open for entries!