Did you know that email marketing is the best performing marketing channel and that automated emails create 320% more revenue than non-automated emails? (Campaign Monitor)
In this one-hour webinar, email marketing Tech Champion Jacqueline Ewers explores email marketing automations – a series of triggers along the customer journey that sends the customer a personalised, relevant email at the right time. Research shows that automations create more sales, engagement, traffic and customer retention.
In this introduction to email marketing automations, there will be practical tips on how to create and use automations plus examples of best practice. You will learn:
The Digital Culture Network is here to support you and your organisation. Our Tech Champions can provide free 1-2-1 support to all arts and cultural organisations who are in receipt of, or eligible for, Arts Council England funding. If you need help or would like to chat with us about any of the advice we have covered above, pleaseget in touch. Sign up for our newsletter below and follow us on Twitter @ace_dcn for the latest updates.
When email marketing was first introduced it was seen as the sustainable alternative to direct mail and producing print. Whilst it's true that individual emails use relatively small amounts of energy to send; processing, sending, receiving and storing the content of emails builds up. Read this resource to discover steps you can take to make your email marketing more sustainable.
Email marketing is a powerful tool when it comes to building relationships with your audience. Read on to find out more about what it can do for your organisation.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your email marketing strategy, this checklist will help you establish where you are now and where you could go next.
When email marketing was first introduced it was seen as the sustainable alternative to direct mail and producing print. Whilst it's true that individual emails use relatively small amounts of energy to send; processing, sending, receiving and storing the content of emails builds up. Read this resource to discover steps you can take to make your email marketing more sustainable.
When your email marketing campaign doesn’t perform as well as you need it to there are some simple questions to ask. This article gives you the 5 W’s to investigate why your campaign is not performing as expected: Who, What, When Where, and Why?
Personas are fictional representations of people within your audience or customer base. In this article, we explore how personas work where resources in terms of time and budgets are limited. If you don’t have time or money for a major project, this article will show you what a lo-fi, low-cost version of personas look like and how can creating personas add value.