We’ve seen a huge shift in awareness and expectation for how users are tracked online and privacy is now firmly top of the digital agenda. Tech companies are quickly adapting to the new landscape, putting control in the hands of individual users and forcing a shift change in the way platforms are able to track users online.
This one hour webinar explores the changing digital landscape for online tracking and how organisation will need to adjust. Join James Akers, the Digital Culture Network’s Tech Champion for Data Analytics and Insight, for a voyage into the past, present and future of online platforms and advertising.
This webinar was recorded in July 2021, ahead of Google’s upcoming changes towards a cookieless future and their commitment to a privacy-first web.
You will learn
What Cookies are and why they might cause you problems in the future
How advertisers know what you’re thinking (including Is your phone listening to you?)
Why organisations need to be prepared for the upcoming changes and the impact on advertising
This extension for Chrome browser is intended as a tool for transparency into why users are being shown ads. Once installed you can:
View detailed information about the ads on a web page
View a list of ad providers responsible for delivering ads to the page
View all companies and services that have a presence on the page (for example, content delivery networks or analytics providers), regardless of who has implemented the schema
View the reasons why ads are shown on a page
The Privacy Sandbox
Find out more about the The Privacy Sandbox. It is an initiative from Google which aims to create web technologies that both protect people’s privacy online and give companies and developers the tools to build thriving digital businesses to keep the web open and accessible to everyone (their words!).
Behavioral vs Contextual Targeting
Behavioral targeting is when ads appear to users based on their online behaviours, this will be increasingly harder to do with the latest privacy-first changes. Contextual targeting is done through matching keywords, topics and content. Find out more in this article from Hubspot.
Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 is the newest tracking platform released by Google. It’s a completely new system that is totally separate from Universal Analytics (often referred to as simply “Google Analytics”).
The Arts Marketing Association (AMA) recorded their recent webinar New Google Analytics 4 — what you need to know. The session:
Explains how GA4 works and outline the main differences in this new technology
Gives you an overview of the dashboard, reports and new analysis section
Explores why you should install GA4 and run it alongside your current version
Shows you how to install GA4 and adopt a phased migration plan
Please note: If you are an AMA member you will can access the recording for free, otherwise there is a fee to watch it
Further Support
The Digital Culture Network is here to support you and your organisation. Our Tech Champions can provide free 1-2-1 support to all arts and cultural organisations who are in receipt of, or eligible for, Arts Council England funding. If you need help or would like to chat with us about any of the advice we have covered above, please get in touch. Sign up for our newsletter below and follow us on Twitter @ace_dcn for the latest updates.
In this article, we will look at the most common issues organisations face when trying to access a Google Ad Grants account. It will help you troubleshoot issues including understanding if your organisation already has an account and how to regain access to it, problems registering for a new account, being charged unnecessarily or reactivating a suspended account.
What can you learn from the data your organisation holds? Read on to understand how to get started on analysing your data and using it to effect positive change.
Are you reviewing your social media performance? Social media analytics can inform your content strategies and help you to create great, engaging content.
What can you learn from the data your organisation holds? Read on to understand how to get started on analysing your data and using it to effect positive change.